Script: ShareAlliancePost

30.09.2020 18:55
avatar  FiB7

// ==UserScript==
// @name ShareAlliancePost
// @namespace Leitstellenspiel
// @version 3.4.0
// @author jalibu, JuMaHo
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==

(() => {
'use strict';

const jumpNext = true; // Set to 'true', to jump to next mission after submitting an alert.
const enableKeyboard = true; // Set to 'false', to disable keyboard shortcuts.
const shortcutKeys = [70]; // 17 = ctrl, 68 = d
const defaultPostToChat = false; // Set to 'false', to disable default post in alliance chat.
const messages = ['Einsatzende um 21:00 Uhr', // First entry is default
'Einsatzende am 09.07.2020',
'Einsatzende um 23:00 Uhr',
'Offen bis %MY_CUSTOM_TIME%.'];

// Create Button and add event listener
const initButtons = () => {
let btnMarkup = '<div class="btn-group" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;">';

btnMarkup += '<a href="#" class="btn btn-success btn-sm alert_notify_alliance" title="Alarmieren, im Verband freigeben und Nachricht in Verbands-Chat">';
btnMarkup += '<img class="icon icons8-Phone-Filled" src="/images/icons8-phone_filled.svg" width="18" height="18">';
btnMarkup += '<img class="icon icons8-Share" src="/images/icons8-share.svg" width="20" height="20">';
btnMarkup += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn" style="font-size: 13px;"></span>';
btnMarkup += '</a></div>';

let optionsBtnMarkup = '<a href="#" id="openAllianceShareOptions" class="btn btn-sm btn-default" title="Einstellungen" style="margin: 0">';
optionsBtnMarkup += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-option-horizontal"></span></a>';

optionsBtnMarkup += '<div class="btn btn-sm btn-default" style="margin:0; padding: 1px; display: none;" id="allianceShareOptions"><input type="text" id="allianceShareText" value="' + messages[0] + '">';
optionsBtnMarkup += '<label style="margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px;"><input type="checkbox" ' + (defaultPostToChat ? 'checked' : '') + ' id="postToChat" name="postToChat" value="true">An VB Chat?</label>';

optionsBtnMarkup += '<div style="text-align: left;"><ul>';
$.each(messages, (index, msg) => {
optionsBtnMarkup += '<li class="customAllianceShareText">' + msg + '</li>';
optionsBtnMarkup += '</ul></div>';
optionsBtnMarkup += '</div>';



$('#openAllianceShareOptions').click(() => {

$('.customAllianceShareText').click(function() {

$('.alert_notify_alliance').append('<span style="margin-left: 5px;" class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></span>');



// Add Keylisteners
const initKeys = () => {
let keys = [];

$(document).keydown((e) => {
if(keys.length >= shortcutKeys.length){
let pressedAll = true;
$.each(shortcutKeys, (index, value) =>{
if(keys.indexOf(value) < 0){
pressedAll = false;
// Is there an extra key pressed?
if(keys.length > shortcutKeys.length){
// Remove regular (expected pressed) keys from list
let extraKey = keys.filter( ( el ) => !shortcutKeys.includes( el ) );
// As number 9 key has value 48, substract that to get an expected key (value) range from 1-9
extraKey = extraKey[extraKey.length - 1] - 48;
// If the extra button has the (value) number 1-9,
// and the message array as a corresponding number of messages, select it
if(extraKey > 0 && extraKey <=10 && extraKey <= messages.length){
$('#allianceShareText').val(messages[extraKey - 1]);



$(document).keyup((e) => {

const processAllianceShare = () => {


const sendToAlliance = $('#postToChat').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
const missionShareLink = $('#mission_alliance_share_btn').attr('href');
const missionId = missionShareLink.replace('/missions/','').replace('/alliance', '');
const csrfToken = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content');
const message = $('#allianceShareText').val();

$.get('/missions/' + missionId + '/alliance' , () => {
$.post( "/mission_replies", {authenticity_token: csrfToken, mission_reply: {alliance_chat: sendToAlliance, content: message, mission_id: missionId}}, (data, status, xhr) => {
} else {
} );


const transformMessages = () => {
try {
// Prepare values for %ADDRESS% and %PATIENTS_LEFT%
// Possible inputs 'xy street, 1234 city', '1234 city', '123 city | 2' (where 2 is number of patients)
let addressAndPatrientRow = $('.mission_header_info >> small').first().text().trim().split(',');
addressAndPatrientRow = addressAndPatrientRow[addressAndPatrientRow.length-1].split('|');
const address = addressAndPatrientRow[0];
const patientsLeft = addressAndPatrientRow.length === 2 ? addressAndPatrientRow[1] : 0;

// Prepare values for %MY_CUSTOM_TIME%
const offsetInHours = 3;
let customTime = new Date().getHours() + offsetInHours;
customTime = customTime > 24 ? customTime -24 : customTime;

// Prepare required Vehicles
const alertText = $('.alert-danger');
const requiredVehiclesIdentifier = 'Zusätzlich benötigte Fahrzeuge:';
let requiredVehicles = 'Keine weiteren Fahrzeuge benötigt.';
if(alertText && alertText.text().indexOf(requiredVehiclesIdentifier) >= 0){
requiredVehicles = alertText.text().trim().substr(requiredVehiclesIdentifier.length, alertText.text().trim().length-1);

for(let i = 0; i<messages.length; i++){
messages[i] = messages[i].replace('%ADDRESS%', address);
messages[i] = messages[i].replace('%MY_CUSTOM_TIME%', customTime + ':00 Uhr');
messages[i] = messages[i].replace('%PATIENTS_LEFT%', patientsLeft);
messages[i] = messages[i].replace('%REQUIRED_VEHICLES%', requiredVehicles);
} catch (e){
console.log('Error transforming messages: ' + e);



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